"So many worlds, so much to do, so little done, such things to be."
Alfred Lord TennysonStand-Alone Stories
- A Day in the Life (Andromeda/Angel/DueSouth/Farscape/Highlander/Saiyuki/Witchblade)
At this rate, the world's never gonna get saved. (Gen, G)
- Coercion (Saiyuki/Weiß Kreuz)
Schuldig gets what he wants. (Schuldig/Gojyo, PG, drabble)
Down Time (Burn Notice/Casino Royale)
Down time in Prague. (Michael/Bond, R)
- Finding Hell (Hellblazer/Supernatural)
"I was working my own gig. This voodoo thing down in New Orleans." (Dean/Constantine, NC-17)
(title image)
- A Marvelous Adventure (Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings)
Pippin can't resist the Weasley charm... or is it the other way around? (Bill/Pippin, PG-13)Serial Offenses
The Calling Series (Due South/Tru Calling)
- Undone (title image)
- Harrison visits Chicago. He gets in trouble. Nobody's surprised. (HD/RK, pre-BF/RK; NC-17)
- Unfinished (title image)
- Five years later. Ray's lost in Boston, and Fraser comes looking. (HD/RK, BF/HD, BF/HD/RK, HD/OMC; NC-17)
- The Ending Hour (title image)
- Three years later, Harrison's still looking for answers. (HD/OMC, BF/RK; NC-17)
The Pianosongs Series (Buffy/Highlander)
Author's Note: I'm leaving these up for archival purposes, but unfortunately, I doubt this series will ever be continued.
- Winter
- Eight years after "Becoming", Buffy never came home, and Willow just wants a normal life. Easier said than done. (Gen, AU, PG-13)
- Little Earthquakes WIP
- A phone call sends Willow back to Sunnydale, where she meets some old friends and some old enemies, and learns something about herself she never suspected. (Gen, AU, PG-13)
- Precious Things not yet written
- The Watchers are closing in on Methos, Willow's old werewolf boyfriend turns up on her doorstep, and the Hellmouth is about to open. Same old story... until a new enemy, or possibly an ally, shows up to complicate things.
Email: mayatawi@populli.net